Nasser receives the condolences of the martyrs of Egypt Station during the 2019 African Games

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Major General Ahmed Nasser, head of the African Confederation (UCSA), received condolences on the victims of the accident at the Egyptian train station from representatives of 47 African countries during the meeting of the members of the Supreme Organizing Committee for the 2019 African Games, to be held in Morocco next August.
The meeting was held on Friday in Rabat, Morocco, with the participation of 47 African countries, due to the painful incident at the station in Egypt. The Moroccan and African brothers expressed their condolences to the President of the UCSA, Major General Ahmed Nasser, the Secretary-General and the Technical Director General Dr. Imad Bennani, who attend the High Organizing Committee for the 12th African Games in Morocco In August from August 19 to August 31 in the cities of Rabat, Casablanca and New and participate in 27 sports games .. The African brothers expressed condolences to the victims of the accident and the Egyptian people for their sincere sympathy and participation of what happened

The meeting of Heads of Delegation of the 47 National Olympic Committees was also held on Thursday, and they visited the villages of residence and subsistence in the cities. Major General Ahmed Nasser thanked the audience for his gratitude and appreciation to the African brothers for their feelings and their concrete participation during the meetings. Federation of National Olympic Committees and Eng. Ahmed Abu Al Jassim, Secretary General of the Anoka Regulatory and Marketing Partner. The AU representatives also participated in the session and the Organizing Committee of the Session of the Kingdom of Morocco, Of Morocco and its Director General, Mr. Abdul Latif worshipers and twelve Prime Alaoxa Major General Ahmed Nasser collection in media conversations press conference that followed the meetings of the Kingdom of Morocco for good hosting and preparations for organizing this great event and pointed out that the two African states large Egypt and Morocco are organizing two major events to the continent Cup of Nations African Football Federation in Cairo in June and the African Games in Morocco in August 2019. The President of the African Football Confederation (AUC) also said that African Football Confederation (AU) President Ahmed Ahmed met with Nasser, On their cooperation and active and positive participation, which was built upon the establishment of the session. Nasser added that the Secretary-General and technical director of UCSA  Dr. Benani announced the contributions of the African federations of different sports and the participating numbers from each union of Riyadh The new addition of sports in the tournament is Snooker Billiards, which is participating in preparation for its participation in this upcoming Paris Olympics. Meetings and visits will continue until next Sunday.

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Toute Confédération régulièrement constituée et gérant une discipline sportive connue ou reconnue et comptant au moins (18) dix huit Fédérations Nationales affiliées à leurs fédérations internationales respectives, qui désire acquérir la qualité de membre de l’UCSA doit en faire la demande adressée au  Bureau, signée par le Président de ladite Association, et accompagnée des droits d’adhésion.